Friday, February 24, 2012

with my friend

A few minutes ago I got a call a friend. He said he needed my help and told me to come to the hospital where she worked. Of course I was confused, then I ask what kind of help he needs. Instead, he said, the point you have to come, soon! This important issue. After that he hung up.
I could not figure out, from which he could be sure if I can help the problem at hand. Though my friend is a doctor, while the job still is looking for a job, in short unemployment. Actually, my relationship with my friend it may be said to be less familiar, just a coincidence that we had once lived next door, but even so we also rarely met. When we met, and even then due to accident, then we merely say hello to each other or from where, nothing more. We have never been involved in a conversation for more than ten minutes. Understandably every time I meet with my friend, he always looks busy. I knew he was a doctor from the news I read in the newspaper, and not from his own mouth. Until now, though we each have a cell phone, but we rarely touch. At most, he called me just to ask how are you, and vice versa with me. But not more than one minute, he said, "Sorry, I have work to do. I'll get back to you ... "Once the phone is closed, all day he did not call me again. Sometimes even one or two months later he had called me again, but just like that ever happened before. To be honest, I also often discourage my intention to call him, I was afraid to disturb his work.
Last time I phoned my friend was about a month ago, I had forgotten. And today, exactly on Tuesday, at 10:11 am, he called me back. Although our conversation less than a minute, but he said the words are different, which has never been said before.
To be honest I'm not so excited to meet my friend. But after I thought and think about it many times, I finally decided to meet him. I actually do not deny me a little, a little less, maybe more accurately a lump in my heart. Something very difficult to explain, in short, I'm less willing to meet my friend.
On arrival at the hospital, I immediately expressed my needs for security. After obtaining the information, without wasting any time I went straight to my office. To be honest I was not anxious to meet my friend, I just wanted to finish my business with him as soon as possible, and as soon as possible to leave this hospital. The first reason I, I do not like to linger in the hospital. The second one I really hate hospitals. While the third reason why more severe than the first and second.
I knocked on the door, but only one hit my finger, the sound was cut off from the first. "Go! I've been waiting since long ago."
On a large table lay three dead bodies.
"Please shut the door again," he said. He pulled a chair out from under the table and then his hand signaled me to sit down. "So far, thousands more bodies had been checked, you know, I was the expert." He said. Tone as the poet who was reading poetry, but he was classified as a bad poet. "Even the corpse that had rotted, or broken bones, I know the cause of death."
I do not understand why he was babbling like mad like that. What is my business, I thought. Moreover, he wanted to dissect a dead body to millions, or more ... and know everything, regardless of what I was with it all. I'm not a doctor, and I also do not intend to become a doctor.
"I'm in a major research project," he said flatly. He looked at me. "You know what I'm doing a project right now?"
I tried to examine what was meant by his words. If his words meant only for pride, what he got from me. But if the words of a question, obviously he is wrong people.
"I'm conducting research on the brain!" He held up his index finger in my face. As if I was a student made a mistake on the teacher. I was silent. He was behind the body. "But I'm in big trouble …" he said.
"You mean," I said confused. "You think I am? Who? "I looked at my friend. "Why do you think I can help your troubles," I said again. "You're more stupid, and very annoying than previously thought. But if like me coming over here… just a waste of time, it's useless, to find a job. I should just go home… "I get up from a chair.
"I met with the doctors of leading experts around the world," he said. His tone now seems sad. "But we all do not find a solution. Even the doctors expert on brain tumors and cancer, they gave up."
"So what to do with me," I said getting annoyed.
"Exactly," he said. Her tone was as if she were told that if I had just done something wrong that I'm not aware of. "I've just related to medical problems, and all my friends are also physicians. But as I told you, I failed to find a solution to the core of the problem I faced was this. That's why I need your help, because only you're the only friend whose profession was not a doctor."
"Are you crazy," I said. "Doctors who are experts alone can not, let alone me. Try to think carefully …"
"Do not go yet," he pleaded. "Why do not you see it," he reveals cloth covering the head of the corpse on the table.
I turn around, undo my intention to leave. "What will we see again!" I said, "The body? Why? I think that nothing needs to be addressed, is not rightfully so. And we all experienced it…"
"I asked for a moment of your time," he said without looking at me. It turned out that three bodies were face down on the table, earlier on the back of the head has been sliced. And now my friend is trying to remove the skull of three bodies. "Okay ..." he said. "Now look, and note the third brain is the body nicely. These are three different bodies of his profession when he was alive. The bodies of most edge of the left, who were thin and emaciated, he was a farmer. While the central body, a well-built, he was a soldier. While the bodies of the other one, who was very fat, he was someone important, a government official in this country."
"Then…" I said, more confused. "Especially that weird?"
"Do not you see the difference!" He looked at me.
The spoken words of my friends were impressed with "Are you blind!"
"Is not it obvious," he said again, "if these three bodies of different forms of brain. No one brain specialists in the world able to provide an explanation of this problem."
"To be honest …" I said. "This is my first experience to see the contents of a human head. But it seems I'm sure -"
"Sure thing!" He interrupted, "You mean you know the explanation, why the three human brain can be different! But how could even the expert doctors who graduated many years …" He did not continue his speech. He even shook his head, and lifted his shoulders.
"I'm surprised with the attitude that," I said. "Are not you the one who asked me to come here to help you, but now …"
"Sorry friend," he said, "I… Well what about the difference in the third explanation is brain dead." He then picked up a book and pen. "I will record all your explanations."
"The body of the profession farmer," I said, "and why the brain is swollen beyond farmers cranium and bluish in color. I think it's because every day he was too hard to think, and maximize the working brain. It seems the problems it faces have drained his mind; questions that are difficult to eradicate pests, fertilizer prices soared more days, or other things that cause their land to crop failure."
He looked at me and nod-nod of his head. From the smiles and the look on his face, I guess, if he is satisfied with the explanation that I gave.
"The body of a professional soldier," I continued, "and why the brain in his head only of your thumb, and nearly non-existent. As a profession she lived, she more often uses his brain rather than muscle. So I think it's very fair at all, if the brain has shrunk. How could I not?! He fought and killed many people, but after that he was laughing, and shouting "we won! We won! '. Win what?"
"Oh, then the soldiers did not have a brain …" he said. Her tone was like he was mumbling. While his hands were busy writing. "Wait a minute!" He said, "Previously I also had to check the body of a policeman, but there is no brain in his head too, just like little soldiers."
"Hmm …" I mumbled. "Last night I was sitting on the curb with my friends, suddenly hordes of police came up to us. They kicked us out first, ask questions later. Even more precisely the question they were an accusation. They said 'you're drunk and will make trouble huh?!'. So I think the police and soldiers alike, they do not have a brain. Even if had, I think small, like this, and certainly also no function."
"It means that human brain size is related to the profession," he said without looking at me. And his hands were busy writing the book.
"As a professional body of government officials," I said, "and why would his brain intact, and looked very fit in his head. I think it's also very fair, because he did not even think. All the time is up for fun and debauchery. They just have a passion. It has been very clear right? So their brains intact and very suitable size in the head."
"What a fool I am!" He cursed himself. "Over the years I learned about medicine, but-"
"Calm down, calm down …" I interrupted, "You're not stupid, just you and your doctor friends were too smart."
"What is smart? What do you mean?"
"To be honest you're not stupid," I said. "That you're too smart, but unfortunately you live out of balance. You've just wrestle with the intelligence that you possess, but the eyes, your conscience, you feel …"
"You mean what?"
"Your goal to become a doctor for what?" I asked.
"To help others, of course!" She answered quickly.
"I admit it's a very noble goal," I raised my thumb. "But did you ever think that people out there all healthy, you're wrong! Indeed they do not want to check into the hospital, unable to pay the charge. If only you had a conscience … I'm sure, you'll find out if there are still many people whose lives are concerned, who obviously need the help of people like you. Now what I'm wrong, if I doubt your goal to become a doctor? Helping people? Or money? Or …"
I do not know why I say rude to him. Suddenly my disappointment at the doctor's out of my mouth against my will. Though I know not all doctors do not have a conscience as I have said to my friend. But I do not know…
"Forgive me friend," he said softly. "I promise to start tomorrow, I …" he continued.
I thought he would be upset, after I say do not have a conscience.
"What do you give promise to me," I said. "All that you did nothing wrong, you also do not have to apologize to me. Your life is your own business yes, the decision is yours alone, because you yourself also live your life. Already now I'm going home …"
"Wait!" He said, "I want to apologize, I forgot to ask how you are. I was really very confused. "He smiled. "Thank you friend," he said again, "you've helped me a lot. And … made me realize my mistake all along, "he held out his hand. "I'm fine, how are you?"
I received a helping hand, and we shook hands.
"We're still friends are not," he said quietly.
I think it never hurts to make friends. Then I nod my head. "I'd better go home …" I said. "A lot of work to do at home."
"Once again thank you for everything," he said. "Be careful …"
"Likewise," I said. "Oh yes, one day if you still want to continue anymore about brain research in humans. I'm willing if you want to dissect my head and look at my brain. I,"
"Gratuitous course if you talk!" He interrupted, "You're not dead yet."
"I will not be long anymore," I said, "I'm sure my brain will be different from that so far you've come across. I just wanted to suggest it, before you dissect my head you'd better make room first. Since it is very likely my brain would burst like fireworks."


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